October 20, 2020
Full Name | Abbreviation |
Amsterdam UMC COVID study group | Amsterdam_UMC_COVID_study_group |
Ancestry | Ancestry |
Genetic determinants of COVID-19 complications in the Brazilian population | BRACOVID |
Genetic modifiers for COVID-19 related illness | BelCovid |
Biobanque Quebec COVID19 | BQC19 |
(Genetics of COVID-related Manifestation) | Corea |
Estonian Biobank | EstBB |
FinnGen | FinnGen |
genomiCC | genomicc |
Genes & Health | GNH |
Generation Scotland | GS |
COVID19-Host(a)ge | HOSTAGE |
Helix Exome+ COVID-19 Phenotypes | Helix |
UK Blood Donors Cohort | INTERVAL |
Michigan Genomics Initiative | MGI |
Million Veterans Program | MVP |
Netherlands Twin Register | NTR |
Partners Healthcare Biobank | PHBB |
Penn Medicine Biobank | PMBB |
Qatar Genome Program | QGP |
Determining the Molecular Pathways and Genetic Predisposition of the Acute Inflammatory Process Caused by SARS-CoV-2 | SPGRX |
Genomic epidemiology of SARS-Cov-2 and host genetics in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) | Stanford |
The genetic predisposition to severe COVID-19 | SweCovid |
UK Biobank | UKBB |
Bonn Study of COVID19 genetics | BoSCO |
23andMe | 23ANDME |
Italy COVID19-Host(a)ge | Italy_HOSTAGE |
Spain COVID19-Host(a)ge | Spain_HOSTAGE |
Genomics England | genomicsengland100kgp |
Lifelines | Lifelines |
Gene Risk | GeneRISK |
Rotterdam Study | RS |
Column Name | Description |
#CHR | chromosome |
POS | chromosome position |
REF | reference and non-effect allele |
ALT | alternative and effect allele (beta is for this allele) |
all_meta_N | number of studies that had the variant after AF and INFO filtering and as such were used for the meta |
all_inv_var_meta_beta | effect size on log(OR) scale |
all_inv_var_meta_sebeta | standard error of effect size |
all_inv_var_meta_p | p-value |
all_inv_var_het_p | p-value from Cochran's Q heterogeneity test |
all_meta_sample_N | total sample size |
all_meta_AF | allele frequency in the meta-analysis |
rsid | risd |
AF_fc | calculated based on each study's ancestry in gnomAD or all populations if the ancestry is not present in gnomAD |
Meta-analysis was done with fixed effects inverse variance weighting. Results are available in genome builds 38 and 37. An AF filter of 0.001 and an INFO filter of 0.6 was applied to each study before meta. 1000G EUR phase 3 samples were used as a panel for pruning. Nine genome-wide significant SNPs from C2 and B2 analyses AND SNPs +/-100kb with P<0.01 around these top SNPs selected (no r2 threshold) coming to total 461 SNPs (MAF max 0.1%). Excluding the regions above, the top 9539 SNPs from clumps using MAF 1% variants, r2=0.1, kb=250.
Note: variants with heterogeneity p-value less than 0.001 across studies are in orange.
Very severe respiratory confirmed covid vs. not hospitalized covid
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
BoSCO_EUR | 59 | 262 |
FinnGen_FIN | 54 | 224 |
SPGRX_EUR | 101 | 51 |
BQC19_EUR | 55 | 151 |
GRCh37 liftover: COVID19_HGI_A1_ALL_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_A1_ALL_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_A1_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38: COVID19_HGI_A1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_A1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_A1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
Please note: the plots shown here display results from an analysis with the 23andMe study included. However, due to privacy, the downloadable gz files do not include the 23andMe study. A limited version of the analysis that includes the 23andMe study is available in the file labeled "10K".
Very severe respiratory confirmed covid vs. population
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
Amsterdam_UMC_COVID_study_group_EUR | 66 | 1413 |
BRACOVID_AMR | 450 | 1637 |
GENCOVID_EUR | 468 | 2472 |
SweCovid_EUR | 78 | 3778 |
FinnGen_FIN | 54 | 238657 |
genomicc_EUR | 1676 | 8380 |
SPGRX_EUR | 101 | 302 |
BQC19_EUR | 55 | 480 |
UKBB_EUR | 329 | 364341 |
23ANDME_EUR | 495 | 680440 |
23ANDME_HIS | 102 | 94330 |
Italy_HOSTAGE_EUR | 698 | 1255 |
Spain_HOSTAGE_EUR | 302 | 925 |
BoSCO_EUR | 59 | 262 |
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_20201020.10k.txt.gz
GRCh37 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_20201020.10k.b37.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_A2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
Hospitalized covid vs. not hospitalized covid
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
UKBB_EUR | 413 | 897 |
BoSCO_EUR | 139 | 262 |
DECODE_EUR | 89 | 1808 |
FinnGen_FIN | 83 | 224 |
SPGRX_EUR | 311 | 51 |
GNH_SAS | 62 | 41 |
PMBB_AFR | 66 | 100 |
QGP_ARAB | 60 | 640 |
MVP_AFR | 349 | 862 |
MVP_EUR | 436 | 1083 |
MVP_HIS | 117 | 392 |
Ancestry_EUR | 250 | 1967 |
BQC19_EUR | 55 | 151 |
GRCh37 liftover: COVID19_HGI_B1_ALL_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_B1_ALL_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_B1_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38: COVID19_HGI_B1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_B1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_B1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
Hospitalized covid vs. population, leave out 23andMe
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
Amsterdam_UMC_COVID_study_group_EUR | 108 | 1413 |
DECODE_EUR | 89 | 274322 |
BelCovid_EUR | 109 | 1484 |
GENCOVID_EUR | 571 | 2472 |
FinnGen_FIN | 83 | 238628 |
SPGRX_EUR | 311 | 302 |
HOSTAGE_EUR | 1610 | 2205 |
BQC19_EUR | 181 | 354 |
UKBB_EUR | 765 | 364341 |
MVP_EUR | 436 | 2180 |
BoSCO_EUR | 139 | 262 |
Ancestry_EUR | 250 | 1967 |
SweCovid_EUR | 78 | 3778 |
genomicc_EUR | 1676 | 8380 |
GRCh37 liftover: COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38: COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
Please note: the plots shown here display results from an analysis with the 23andMe study included. However, due to privacy, the downloadable gz files do not include the 23andMe study. A limited version of the analysis that includes the 23andMe study is available in the file labeled "10K".
Hospitalized covid vs. population
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
Amsterdam_UMC_COVID_study_group_EUR | 108 | 1413 |
DECODE_EUR | 89 | 274322 |
BRACOVID_AMR | 756 | 1637 |
BelCovid_EUR | 109 | 1484 |
GENCOVID_EUR | 571 | 2472 |
FinnGen_FIN | 83 | 238628 |
SPGRX_EUR | 311 | 302 |
GNH_SAS | 62 | 27353 |
HOSTAGE_EUR | 1610 | 2205 |
Corea_EAS | 69 | 6500 |
PMBB_AFR | 66 | 8536 |
QGP_ARAB | 60 | 13360 |
BQC19_EUR | 181 | 354 |
UKBB_EUR | 765 | 364341 |
23ANDME_EUR | 613 | 680416 |
23ANDME_HIS | 140 | 94327 |
MVP_AFR | 349 | 1745 |
MVP_EUR | 436 | 2180 |
MVP_HIS | 117 | 585 |
BoSCO_EUR | 139 | 262 |
Ancestry_EUR | 250 | 1967 |
SweCovid_EUR | 78 | 3778 |
genomicc_EUR | 1676 | 8380 |
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_20201020.10k.txt.gz
GRCh37 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_20201020.10k.b37.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_B2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
Please note: the plots shown here display results from an analysis with the 23andMe study included. However, due to privacy, the downloadable gz files do not include the 23andMe study. A limited version of the analysis that includes the 23andMe study is available in the file labeled "10K".
Covid vs. lab/self-reported negative
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
UKBB_AFR | 68 | 268 |
UKBB_CSA | 66 | 350 |
UKBB_EUR | 1310 | 13646 |
DECODE_EUR | 1897 | 29014 |
EstBB_EUR | 313 | 12019 |
genomicsengland100kgp_EUR | 218 | 1617 |
GNH_SAS | 114 | 256 |
Lifelines_EUR | 358 | 1253 |
MGI_EUR | 122 | 508 |
MVP_AFR | 1217 | 9204 |
MVP_EUR | 1520 | 24135 |
MVP_HIS | 510 | 3325 |
NTR_EUR | 145 | 117 |
PHBB_AFR | 60 | 375 |
PHBB_EUR | 151 | 3118 |
PHBB_HIS | 66 | 276 |
PMBB_AFR | 166 | 934 |
BQC19_EUR | 206 | 327 |
INTERVAL_EUR | 161 | 1119 |
23ANDME_AFR | 506 | 3110 |
23ANDME_EUR | 9913 | 85072 |
23ANDME_HIS | 2553 | 13086 |
Ancestry_EUR | 2417 | 14933 |
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_20201020.10k.txt.gz
GRCh37 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_20201020.10k.b37.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_C1_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
Please note: the plots shown here display results from an analysis with the 23andMe study included. However, due to privacy, the downloadable gz files do not include the 23andMe study. A limited version of the analysis that includes the 23andMe study is available in the file labeled "10K".
Covid vs. population
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
UKBB_AFR | 68 | 6465 |
UKBB_CSA | 66 | 8487 |
UKBB_EUR | 1305 | 370602 |
DECODE_EUR | 1897 | 273257 |
EstBB_EUR | 313 | 138272 |
GENCOVID_EUR | 734 | 2472 |
FinnGen_FIN | 357 | 238354 |
genomicsengland100kgp_EUR | 218 | 62302 |
SPGRX_EUR | 362 | 302 |
GNH_SAS | 114 | 27301 |
Helix_EUR | 178 | 5441 |
Corea_EAS | 108 | 6500 |
Lifelines_EUR | 358 | 25213 |
MGI_EUR | 122 | 51458 |
MVP_AFR | 1217 | 6085 |
MVP_EUR | 1520 | 7600 |
MVP_HIS | 510 | 2550 |
NTR_EUR | 145 | 5252 |
PHBB_AFR | 60 | 2445 |
PHBB_EUR | 151 | 29966 |
PHBB_HIS | 66 | 2405 |
PMBB_AFR | 166 | 8436 |
QGP_ARAB | 700 | 13360 |
Stanford_EUR | 109 | 191 |
INTERVAL_EUR | 161 | 41674 |
BQC19_EUR | 206 | 327 |
23ANDME_AFR | 506 | 3110 |
23ANDME_EUR | 9913 | 85072 |
23ANDME_HIS | 2553 | 13086 |
Ancestry_EUR | 2417 | 14933 |
Amsterdam_UMC_COVID_study_group_EUR | 108 | 1413 |
BRACOVID_AMR | 756 | 1637 |
BelCovid_EUR | 109 | 1484 |
HOSTAGE_EUR | 1610 | 2205 |
SweCovid_EUR | 78 | 3778 |
genomicc_EUR | 1676 | 8380 |
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_20201020.10k.txt.gz
GRCh37 with 23andMe 10K: COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_20201020.10k.b37.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe: COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 leave out 23andMe (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
Covid vs. population, leave out 23andMe
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
UKBB_EUR | 1305 | 370602 |
DECODE_EUR | 1897 | 273257 |
EstBB_EUR | 313 | 138272 |
GENCOVID_EUR | 734 | 2472 |
FinnGen_FIN | 357 | 238354 |
genomicsengland100kgp_EUR | 218 | 62302 |
SPGRX_EUR | 362 | 302 |
Helix_EUR | 178 | 5441 |
Lifelines_EUR | 358 | 25213 |
MGI_EUR | 122 | 51458 |
MVP_EUR | 1520 | 7600 |
NTR_EUR | 145 | 5252 |
PHBB_EUR | 151 | 29966 |
Stanford_EUR | 109 | 191 |
INTERVAL_EUR | 161 | 41674 |
BQC19_EUR | 206 | 327 |
Ancestry_EUR | 2417 | 14933 |
Amsterdam_UMC_COVID_study_group_EUR | 108 | 1413 |
BelCovid_EUR | 109 | 1484 |
HOSTAGE_EUR | 1610 | 2205 |
SweCovid_EUR | 78 | 3778 |
genomicc_EUR | 1676 | 8380 |
GRCh37 liftover: COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38: COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_C2_ALL_eur_leave_23andme_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt
Predicted covid from self-reported symptoms vs. predicted or self-reported non-covid
Name | n_cases | n_controls |
GS_EUR | 132 | 3610 |
GeneRISK_EUR | 154 | 3451 |
Helix_EUR | 605 | 4778 |
Lifelines_EUR | 1427 | 16833 |
NTR_EUR | 603 | 4669 |
RS_EUR | 283 | 2387 |
GRCh37 liftover: COVID19_HGI_D1_ALL_20201020.b37.txt.gz
GRCh37 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_D1_ALL_20201020.b37.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh37 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_D1_ALL_20201020.b37_1.0E-5.txt
GRCh38: COVID19_HGI_D1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz
GRCh38 (.tbi): COVID19_HGI_D1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz.tbi
GRCh38 (filtered): COVID19_HGI_D1_ALL_20201020.txt.gz_1.0E-5.txt